
My Skills

  • Programming Languages: Python(2.7/3.x), Java(1.8), PHP, TypeScript/JavaScript, C/C++.

  • Framework: Flask, Angular, React, Spring boot

  • OS: Windows(7,10), Linux(Fedora,Ubuntu)

  • IDE: Intellij idea, JetBrains PyCharm, Eclipse Mars/Oxygen, Visual Studio Code


  • Binary Differentiator using Neural Network: Binary Differentiator employes a neural network to make decision between binary choices. It doesn’t uses any library like tensorflow or keras or pytorch. It uses basic numpy library for mathematical calculations. here is link for this project: Binary Differentiator using Neural Network

  • NeverForget: This was a learning project made in Flask Framework. Employes MongoDB to store user data with checklist, so that it can recollect data again, so that user doesn’t forget those task. here is link for this project: NeverForget

  • Art Transfer: This was a learning project for Style Transfer usign VGG-16. Goal was to transfer style from one image to another, so we will keep on decreasing error score and generating image in form of other one. here is link for this project: Art Transfer

  • AutoDocGenerator: This project generates documentation of python project and makes flow chart for entire project. This project is generated to top of sphinx. here is link for this project: AutoDocGenerator

  • COVID 19 HeatMap: This project makes COVID-19 HeatMap for india making heatmap using googlemap API and developed using Flask framework. here is link for this project: COVID 19 HeatMap

  • Greenbelt Lifesaver: This project was patent based project called greenbelt lifesaver notimated to VishwaKarma Awards. here is link for this project: Greenbelt Lifesaver